Refugee from Fedora

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    • #28857

      Hello My name is JMiahMan. I’ve been around the Linux community for a while. In the last few years I picked up doing a few projects one of which was Unity-Linux a RPM based distro. In the last few years I had based it on Fedora as a spin. I automated a lot of my pacakges in gitlab using gitlab runners and did my ISO builds using dnd (docker in docker) using an ISO tool I hacked together (I am not a programmer) in GoLang loosely based off the off Pearl App called mklivecd. So long story short as I am sure you know Fedora dropped 32bit support with 31. I have quite a few devices left (a few EEEPCs etc..) that work but are unfortunately still 32bit. Fedora has left me in the dust.

      So I was left with a few options.
      1. The huge task of repackaging a 32bit kernel and 32bit pacakage from Fedora src rpms.

      2. Find a larger distro to rebase like Mageia that is close to Fedora and rpm based, but most likely doesn’t need my help, so anything I build will be just for me.

      3. Find a smaller distro that may need my help and contribute what I do upstream.

      So I have searched out rpm based distros and ran across Mamba and I am wondering if you need help? I would much rather find a distro to help and contribute to then support these larger projects. If you’re interest let me know and I will start setting up a build environment for Mamba and get to work 🙂 If not good luck with your future endeavors.

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by jmiahman.
    • #28859

      Hi JMiahMan,
      welcome and thank you for your interest in openmamba.

      I know about Fedora and other distros dropping x86 32 bit support and I understand that this is also a consequence of software components which are progessively dropping interest and support for this target. This adds to distribution maintainers the cost of applying themselves patches (when viable) and the process is becoming more and more complex specially in a long term prospect.

      openmamba will continue to maintain its x86 repositories with some installation media and kernel available, although some of the components will be dropped as long as it is not possible or too complex to maintain them.

      As for your projects, you may want to think to retarget them to 64 bit hardware, as this will probably be the only viable choice in future…

      This said, you are very welcome if you would like to contribute to openmamba. Although it is possible to setup a local build environment, our build processes have been based for years on build servers (one for each target, x86_64, x86, arm) controlled by a web interface called webbuild. This web interface might seem a complication for the classical command line packager, but it has been very useful when it is necessary to have a few (or a single) person to maintain thousands of packages.

      If you want to take a look at this interface you should first request authorization for your account by accessing the menu entry Development -> Webbuild -> buildvm01 on the top of this site.

      As the maintainer of openmamba I will be glad to assist you if you have any question about the development processes as well as coordinating any aspect that may require changes to the core and toolchains of the distribution.


    • #28862

      Hi JMiahMan,
      you’re now enabled to use the web build interface. A basic idea of how it works can be deducted by watching this video, although it relates only to the maintainance of package updates automatically queued.

      Here are the available channels that may be of your interest as a developer. These include a new Telegram group which I have just created. Sorry, you might find little or no documentation for some of the processes but you can come in contact with me (and with other developers) by using any of the available channels.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Silvan.
    • #28864

      Wow, thank you so much. So far things look pretty awesome. I’ll jump on the telegram group in a bit. Thanks again!

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