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xlsfonts: xlsfonts - server font list displayer for X

xlsfonts lists the fonts that match the given pattern.

The wildcard character "*" may be used to match any sequence of characters (including none), and "?" to match any single character.
If no pattern is given, "*" is assumed.

The "*" and "?" characters must be quoted to prevent them from being expanded by the shell.
Release: 1.0.8-1mamba
Group:Graphical Desktop/Applications/Utilities
Size:139.01 kB
Upstream URL:https://www.x.org/wiki/
Build time:2024-03-03 09:53:44
Binary packages and requirements
Built RPMS
Build requirements
History of changes
2024-03-03Automatic Build System 1.0.8-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2022-04-16silvan1.0.7-1mamba- update to 1.0.7
2019-07-31autodist1.0.6-1mamba- automatic update by autodist
2015-04-20autodist1.0.5-1mamba- automatic update by autodist
2012-04-24autodist1.0.4-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2011-04-26skiver1.0.3-1mamba- package created by autospec