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wipe: Repeatedly writes special patterns to the file or files to be destroyed,

Wipe repeatedly writes special patterns to the file or files to be destroyed, using the fsync() call and/or the O_SYNC bit to force disk access, in order to lessen the chance of data recovery using techniques such as magnetic force microscopy.
Release: 2.3.1-3mamba
Size:78.72 kB
Upstream URL:https://wipe.sourceforge.net/
Build time:2021-03-21 17:12:21
Binary packages and requirements
Built RPMS
Build requirements
History of changes
2021-03-21autodist2.3.1-3mamba- automatic rebuild by autodist
2021-03-21autodist2.3.1-2mamba- automatic rebuild by autodist
2010-05-10autodist2.3.1-1mamba- automatic update by autodist
2009-07-09autodist2.3.0-1mamba- automatic update by autodist
2008-09-28silvan2.2.0-2mamba- specfile updated
2004-12-14silvan2.2.0-1qilnx- package created by autospec