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perl-Text-Unidecode: Text::Unidecode -- US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text

Text::Unidecode provides a function, `unidecode(...)' that takes Unicode data and tries to represent it in US-ASCII characters (i.e., the universally displayable characters between 0x00 and 0x7F).
The representation is almost always an attempt at *transliteration* -- i.e., conveying, in Roman letters, the pronunciation expressed by the text in some other writing system.
Release: 1.3-1mamba
Size:150,71 kB
Upstream URL:http://www.cpan.org
Source RPM:perl-Text-Unidecode
perl >= 1:5 [1]
perl >= 1:5.8.0 [1]
perl >= 0:5.24.0 [1]
perl(Exporter) [1]
perl(integer) [1]
perl(strict) [1]
perl(utf8) [1]
perl(vars) [1]
Provided files