Home > Repositories > base > makeself (aarch64)

makeself: A small shell script that generates a self-extractable tar.gz archive from a directory

makeself.sh is a small shell script that generates a self-extractable tar.gz archive from a directory. The resulting file appears as a shell script (many of those have a .run suffix), and can be launched as is. The archive will then uncompress itself to a temporary directory and an optional arbitrary command will be executed (for example an installation script).
Release: 2.5.0-1mamba
Size:23,57 kB
Upstream URL:https://makeself.io/
Source RPM:makeself
makeself = 0:2.5.0-1mamba
/bin/sh [1] [2]
bzip2 [1]
gnupg [1]
gzip [1]
Provided files