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libdevil: A full featured cross-platform image library

Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a programmer's library to develop applications with very powerful image loading capabilities, yet is easy for a developer to learn and use. Ultimate control of images is left to the developer, so unnecessary conversions, etc. are not performed. DevIL utilizes a simple, yet powerful, syntax. DevIL can load, save, convert, manipulate, filter and display a wide variety of image formats.
Currently, DevIL can load .bmp, .cut, .dds, .doom, .gif, .ico, .jpg, .lbm, .mdl, .mng, .pal, .pbm, .pcd, .pcx, .pgm, .pic, .png, .ppm, .psd, .psp, .raw, .sgi, .tga and .tif .hdr files.
Formats supported for saving include .bmp, .dds, .h, .jpg, .pal, .pbm, .pcx, .hdr, .pgm,.png, .ppm, .raw, .sgi, .tga and .tif.
DevIL currently supports the following APIs for display: OpenGL, Windows GDI, SDL, DirectX and Allegro. Compilers that can compile DevIL or use it include Djgpp, MSVC++, Linux gcc, Delphi, Visual Basic, Power Basic and Dev-C++.
Release: 1.8.0-1mamba
Size:2.76 MB
Upstream URL:http://openil.sourceforge.net
Build time:2021-04-30 21:33:57
Binary packages and requirements
Built RPMSlibdevil
Build requirementsglibc-devel [1]
ldconfig [1]
libgcc [1]
libjasper-devel [1]
libjpeg-devel [1]
liblcms2-devel [1]
libpng-devel [1]
libstdc++6-devel [1]
libtiff-devel [1]
libz-devel [1]
glibc-devel [1]
ldconfig [1]
libgcc [1]
libjasper-devel [1]
libjpeg-devel [1]
liblcms2-devel [1]
libpng-devel [1]
libstdc++6-devel [1]
libtiff-devel [1]
libz-devel [1]
glibc-devel [1]
ldconfig [1]
libgcc [1]
libjasper-devel [1]
libjpeg-devel [1]
liblcms2-devel [1]
libpng-devel [1]
libstdc++6-devel [1]
libtiff-devel [1]
libz-devel [1]
History of changes
2020-04-16autodist1.8.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2012-10-18silvan1.7.8-4mamba- moved info file to -devel package and other small specfile fixes
2010-11-12silvan1.7.8-3mamba- fix info page installation
- remove dependency on libpng 1.2 (added patch)
2010-11-11silvan1.7.8-2mamba- rebuilt with libpng 1.4
2010-08-25silvan1.7.8-1mamba- update to 1.7.8
2009-07-10autodist1.6.8-3mamba- automatic rebuild by autodist
2008-08-18gil1.6.8-2mamba- added: requires liballegro; devil.pc; devel static
2007-12-03silvanrc2-1mamba- package created by autospec