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java-graphx: Java Swing Diagramming Library

JGraph X is the next generation of Java Swing Diagramming Library, factoring in 7 years of architectural improvements into a clean, concise design. JGraph X provides a simple, powerful API, as well a more application-centric feature set.
The result is a low learning curve and faster implementation of customizations in your development. JGraph X shares the core model of mxGraph, so your JGraph X application more easily ports directly to an mxGraph web application.
Release: 4.2.2-1mamba
Size:1,22 MB
Upstream URL:https://www.diagrams.net/
Source RPM:java-graphx
java-graphx = 0:4.2.2-1mamba
java-graphx(x86-32) = 0:4.2.2-1mamba
osgi(com.mxgraph.jgraphx) = 0:4.2.2
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