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gitlab-shell: GitLab ssh access and repository management

GitLab Shell is an application that allows you to execute git commands and provide ssh access to git repositories. It is not a unix shell nor a replacement for Bash or Zsh.
Release: 14.35.0-1mamba
Size:189,68 kB
Upstream URL:https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlab-shell
Build time:2024-04-13 01:57:34
Binary packages and requirements
Built RPMSgitlab-shell
Build requirementsglibc-devel [1]
go [1]
History of changes
2024-04-13Automatic Build System 14.35.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2024-02-28Automatic Build System 14.34.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2024-01-20Automatic Build System 14.33.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-12-27autodist14.32.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-06-12autodist14.23.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-05-25autodist14.21.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-04-07autodist14.18.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-03-15autodist14.17.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-01-27autodist14.15.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2022-12-06autodist14.14.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist