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emovix: Tiny Linux CD distro to boot CDs and play their video files

eMoviX is a tiny Linux CD distribution containing all the software to boot from a CD and play automatically every video file localized in the CD root.
Supported formats are all formats supported by MPlayer, most noticeably DivX & XviD but more in general most AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, WMV, ASF, FLI and a few others.
If you put a subtitles file in the same position with the same name (e.g. movie.avi and movie.sub) then the subtitles will be automatically displayed.
Release: 0.9.0-5mamba
Size:10,78 MB
Upstream URL:https://movix.sourceforge.net/
Build time:2023-10-28 10:28:59
Binary packages and requirements
Built RPMSemovix
Build requirements/usr/bin/cdrecord (unresolved)
/usr/bin/mkisofs (unresolved)
libperl [1]
perl-devel [1]
/usr/bin/cdrecord (unresolved)
/usr/bin/mkisofs (unresolved)
libperl [1]
perl-devel [1]
History of changes
2023-10-28autodist0.9.0-5mamba- automatic rebuild by autodist
2023-10-28autodist0.9.0-4mamba- automatic rebuild by autodist
2011-10-20silvan0.9.0-3mamba- replace cdrtools requirement with /usr/bin/mkisofs and /usr/bin/cdrecord
2008-06-01silvan0.9.0-2mamba- specfile updates
2006-06-14davide0.9.0-1qilnx- update to version 0.9.0 by autospec
2005-06-09davide0.8.0-2qilnx- specfile updates/fixes
2004-01-26davide0.8.0-1qilnx- first build