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c-icap: An implementation of an ICAP server that can be used with HTTP proxies like Squid

c-icap is an implementation of an ICAP server. It can be used with HTTP proxies that support the ICAP protocol such as the Squid 3.x HTTP proxy server to implement content adaptation/filtering services.
Release: 0.6.3-1mamba
Size:812,56 kB
Upstream URL:https://c-icap.sourceforge.net/
Build time:2024-08-03 15:52:24
Binary packages and requirements
Built RPMS
Build requirements
History of changes
2024-08-03Automatic Build System 0.6.3-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2024-02-02Automatic Build System 0.6.2-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-04-22silvan0.5.10-2mamba- ported from sysv5 to systemd
2021-10-23autodist0.5.10-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2021-10-04silvan0.5.9-1mamba- update to 0.5.9
2021-03-04autodist0.5.8-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2021-02-05autodist0.5.7-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2020-03-29ercolinux0.5.6-1mamba- update to 0.5.6
2011-07-25autodist0.1.6-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2011-04-28silvan0.1.5-3mamba- fixed default configuration file