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ArchNameVersionSummaryLast update
aarch64uwsgi-plugin-python2.0.28-1mambaPython plugin for uwsgi2024-10-26
x86_64uwsgi-plugin-rack2.0.28-1mambaRuby rack plugin for uwsgi2024-10-26
aarch64uwsgi-plugin-rack2.0.28-1mambaRuby rack plugin for uwsgi2024-10-26
x86_64uwsgi-plugin-webdav2.0.28-1mambaWebDav plugin for uwsgi2024-10-26
aarch64uwsgi-plugin-webdav2.0.28-1mambaWebDav plugin for uwsgi2024-10-26
x86_64uwsgi-plugin-zabbix2.0.28-1mambaZabbix plugin for uwsgi2024-10-26
aarch64uwsgi-plugin-zabbix2.0.28-1mambaZabbix plugin for uwsgi2024-10-26
x86_64v4l-dev-tools1.28.1-1mambaUtilities for v4l2 / DVB driver development and debugging2024-07-24
aarch64v4l-dev-tools1.28.1-1mambaUtilities for v4l2 / DVB driver development and debugging2024-07-25
i586v4l-dev-tools1.28.1-1mambaUtilities for v4l2 / DVB driver development and debugging2024-07-25
x86_64v4l-utils1.28.1-1mambaUtilities for video4linux and DVB devices2024-07-24
aarch64v4l-utils1.28.1-1mambaUtilities for video4linux and DVB devices2024-07-25
i586v4l-utils1.28.1-1mambaUtilities for video4linux and DVB devices2024-07-25
srcv4l2loopback-dkms0.13.2-1mambaA kernel module to create V4L2 loopback devices2024-05-25
x86_64v4l2loopback-dkms0.13.2-1mambaA kernel module to create V4L2 loopback devices2024-05-25
aarch64v4l2loopback-dkms0.13.2-1mambaA kernel module to create V4L2 loopback devices2024-05-25
srcvagrant2.2.16-1mambaA tool for building and distributing development environments2021-06-06
x86_64vagrant2.2.16-1mambaA tool for building and distributing development environments2021-06-06
x86_64vagrant-debug2.2.16-1mambaDebug information for package vagrant2021-06-06
srcvaiopower0.5.0-3mambaA tool for power management of Sony Vaio laptop devices2024-04-02
x86_64vaiopower0.5.0-3mambaA tool for power management of Sony Vaio laptop devices2024-04-02
i586vaiopower0.5.0-3mambaA tool for power management of Sony Vaio laptop devices2024-04-02
srcvala0.56.17-1mambaCompiler for the GObject type system2024-04-20
x86_64vala0.56.17-1mambaCompiler for the GObject type system2024-04-19
aarch64vala0.56.17-1mambaCompiler for the GObject type system2024-04-20
i586vala0.56.17-1mambaCompiler for the GObject type system2024-04-19
x86_64vala-devel0.56.17-1mambaStatic libraries and headers for vala2024-04-19
aarch64vala-devel0.56.17-1mambaStatic libraries and headers for vala2024-04-20
i586vala-devel0.56.17-1mambaStatic libraries and headers for vala2024-04-19
x86_64vala-tools0.56.17-1mambaTools for creating projects and bindings for vala2024-04-19
aarch64vala-tools0.56.17-1mambaTools for creating projects and bindings for vala2024-04-20
i586vala-tools0.56.17-1mambaTools for creating projects and bindings for vala2024-04-19
srcvalentina0.7.53-1mambaA patternmaking program which allows designers to create and model patterns of clothing2024-11-10
x86_64valentina0.7.53-1mambaA patternmaking program which allows designers to create and model patterns of clothing2024-11-10
i586valentina0.7.53-1mambaA patternmaking program which allows designers to create and model patterns of clothing2024-11-11
x86_64valentina-debug0.7.53-1mambaDebug information for package valentina2024-11-10
i586valentina-debug0.7.53-1mambaDebug information for package valentina2024-11-11
srcvalgrind3.24.0-1mambaValgrind Memory Debugger2024-11-02
x86_64valgrind3.24.0-1mambaValgrind Memory Debugger2024-11-02
aarch64valgrind3.24.0-1mambaValgrind Memory Debugger2024-11-02
i586valgrind3.24.0-1mambaValgrind Memory Debugger2024-11-02
x86_64valgrind-debug3.24.0-1mambaDebug information for package valgrind2024-11-02
aarch64valgrind-debug3.24.0-1mambaDebug information for package valgrind2024-11-02
i586valgrind-debug3.24.0-1mambaDebug information for package valgrind2024-11-02
x86_64valgrind-devel3.24.0-1mambaStatic libraries and headers for valgrind2024-11-02
aarch64valgrind-devel3.24.0-1mambaStatic libraries and headers for valgrind2024-11-02
i586valgrind-devel3.24.0-1mambaStatic libraries and headers for valgrind2024-11-02
srcvamp-plugin-sdk2.10.0-1mambaAn API for audio analysis and feature extraction plugins2020-05-19
x86_64vamp-plugin-sdk-debug2.10.0-1mambaDebug information for package vamp-plugin-sdk2020-05-19
aarch64vamp-plugin-sdk-debug2.10.0-1mambaDebug information for package vamp-plugin-sdk2021-02-22
i586vamp-plugin-sdk-debug2.10.0-1mambaDebug information for package vamp-plugin-sdk2020-05-19
srcvamps0.99.2-2mambaDVD9 to DVD5 Backup Utility2013-08-18
i586vamps0.99.2-2mambaDVD9 to DVD5 Backup Utility2013-08-18
i586vbetest0.1-4mambaA Video Bios Extensions text tool using liblrmi2022-02-12
srcvbetool1.2.2-1mambavbetool uses lrmi in order to run code from the video BIOS2014-08-20
x86_64vbetool1.2.2-1mambavbetool uses lrmi in order to run code from the video BIOS2014-08-20
i586vbetool1.2.2-1mambavbetool uses lrmi in order to run code from the video BIOS2014-08-23
srcvcdimager2.0.1-2mambaA full-featured mastering suite for authoring, disassembling and analyzing Video CDs and Super Video CDs2024-05-26
x86_64vcdimager2.0.1-2mambaA full-featured mastering suite for authoring, disassembling and analyzing Video CDs and Super Video CDs2024-05-26
aarch64vcdimager2.0.1-2mambaA full-featured mastering suite for authoring, disassembling and analyzing Video CDs and Super Video CDs2024-05-26
i586vcdimager2.0.1-2mambaA full-featured mastering suite for authoring, disassembling and analyzing Video CDs and Super Video CDs2024-05-26
x86_64vcdimager-debug2.0.1-2mambaDebug information for package vcdimager2024-05-26
aarch64vcdimager-debug2.0.1-2mambaDebug information for package vcdimager2024-05-26
i586vcdimager-debug2.0.1-2mambaDebug information for package vcdimager2024-05-26
srcvde22.3.3-1mambaAn ethernet compliant virtual network that can be spawned over a set of physical computer over the Internet2022-11-27
x86_64vde22.3.3-1mambaAn ethernet compliant virtual network that can be spawned over a set of physical computer over the Internet2022-11-27
i586vde22.3.3-1mambaAn ethernet compliant virtual network that can be spawned over a set of physical computer over the Internet2022-11-27
x86_64vde2-debug2.3.3-1mambaDebug information for package vde22022-11-27
i586vde2-debug2.3.3-1mambaDebug information for package vde22022-11-27
srcvdfuse20171208git-2mambaFuse driver to mount VirtualBox compatible disk images ( including snapshots )2019-12-17
x86_64vdfuse20171208git-2mambaFuse driver to mount VirtualBox compatible disk images ( including snapshots )2019-12-17
x86_64vdfuse-debug20171208git-2mambaDebug information for package vdfuse2019-12-17
srcvdpauinfo1.5-1mambaA tool to query the capabilities of a VDPAU implementation2022-07-11
x86_64vdpauinfo1.5-1mambaA tool to query the capabilities of a VDPAU implementation2022-07-11
i586vdpauinfo1.5-1mambaA tool to query the capabilities of a VDPAU implementation2022-07-11
x86_64vdpauinfo-debug1.5-1mambaDebug information for package vdpauinfo2022-07-11
i586vdpauinfo-debug1.5-1mambaDebug information for package vdpauinfo2022-07-11
srcverdict1.4.2-1mambaCompute quality functions of 2 and 3-dimensional regions2024-05-04
x86_64verdict-debug1.4.2-1mambaDebug information for package verdict2024-05-04
aarch64verdict-debug1.4.2-1mambaDebug information for package verdict2024-05-10
i586verdict-debug1.4.2-1mambaDebug information for package verdict2024-05-09
srcvesautils0.0.svn20110217-1mambaA collection of utilities and a library for handling the VESA BIOS Extension (aka VBE)2011-02-17
i586vesautils0.0.svn20110217-1mambaA collection of utilities and a library for handling the VESA BIOS Extension (aka VBE)2011-02-17
srcveyon4.9.0-1mambaCross-platform computer monitoring and classroom management2024-09-09
x86_64veyon4.9.0-1mambaCross-platform computer monitoring and classroom management2024-09-09
x86_64veyon-debug4.9.0-1mambaDebug information for package veyon2024-09-09
srcvice3.8-1mambaVersatile Commodore 8-bit Emulator2023-12-28
x86_64vice3.8-1mambaVersatile Commodore 8-bit Emulator2023-12-28
aarch64vice3.8-1mambaVersatile Commodore 8-bit Emulator2023-12-28
x86_64vice-debug3.8-1mambaDebug information for package vice2023-12-28
aarch64vice-debug3.8-1mambaDebug information for package vice2023-12-28
srcvidalia0.2.21-1mambaA GUI for Tor, built using the Qt framework2014-08-19
x86_64vidalia0.2.21-1mambaA GUI for Tor, built using the Qt framework2014-08-19
i586vidalia0.2.21-1mambaA GUI for Tor, built using the Qt framework2014-08-19
x86_64vidalia-debug0.2.21-1mambaDebug information for package vidalia2014-08-19
i586vidalia-debug0.2.21-1mambaDebug information for package vidalia2014-08-19
srcviewres1.0.7-1mambaGraphical class browser for Xt2022-10-28
x86_64viewres1.0.7-1mambaGraphical class browser for Xt2022-10-28
aarch64viewres1.0.7-1mambaGraphical class browser for Xt2022-10-29
i586viewres1.0.7-1mambaGraphical class browser for Xt2022-10-29
42571 result(s) found - Showing page 407 of 426 [ < 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 > ]
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