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ArchNameVersionSummaryLast update
i586qbittorrent-nox5.0.2-1mambaA Headless Bittorrent Client2024-11-18
srcqcad3.31.2.3-1mambaA professional 2D CAD system2024-11-14
x86_64qcad3.31.2.3-1mambaA professional 2D CAD system2024-11-14
x86_64qcad-debug3.31.2.3-1mambaDebug information for package qcad2024-11-14
srcqcoro0.11.0-1mambaThe QCoro library provides set of tools to make use of C++20 coroutines with Qt2024-10-05
x86_64qcoro-debug0.11.0-1mambaDebug information for package qcoro2024-10-05
aarch64qcoro-debug0.11.0-1mambaDebug information for package qcoro2024-10-05
i586qcoro-debug0.11.0-1mambaDebug information for package qcoro2024-10-05
srcqdep1.1.1-2mambaA very basic yet simple to use dependency management tool for qmake based projects2021-01-10
x86_64qdep1.1.1-2mambaA very basic yet simple to use dependency management tool for qmake based projects2021-01-10
aarch64qdep1.1.1-2mambaA very basic yet simple to use dependency management tool for qmake based projects2021-01-10
i586qdep1.1.1-2mambaA very basic yet simple to use dependency management tool for qmake based projects2021-01-11
srcqemu9.1.2-1mambaA generic and open source processor emulator2024-11-21
x86_64qemu9.1.2-1mambaA generic and open source processor emulator2024-11-21
aarch64qemu9.1.2-1mambaA generic and open source processor emulator2024-11-21
i586qemu9.1.2-1mambaA generic and open source processor emulator2024-11-22
x86_64qemu-debug9.1.2-1mambaDebug information for package qemu2024-11-21
aarch64qemu-debug9.1.2-1mambaDebug information for package qemu2024-11-21
i586qemu-debug9.1.2-1mambaDebug information for package qemu2024-11-22
x86_64qemu-guest-agent9.1.2-1mambaQEMU agent for guest VMs2024-11-21
aarch64qemu-guest-agent9.1.2-1mambaQEMU agent for guest VMs2024-11-21
i586qemu-guest-agent9.1.2-1mambaQEMU agent for guest VMs2024-11-22
x86_64qemu-static9.1.2-1mambaStatic QEMU user mode emulators2024-11-21
aarch64qemu-static9.1.2-1mambaStatic QEMU user mode emulators2024-11-21
i586qemu-static9.1.2-1mambaStatic QEMU user mode emulators2024-11-22
srcqextserialport1.2rc-1mambaAn interface to old fashioned serial ports for Qt-based applications2015-11-22
x86_64qextserialport-debug1.2rc-1mambaDebug information for package qextserialport2015-11-22
i586qextserialport-debug1.2rc-1mambaDebug information for package qextserialport2015-11-23
srcqgit2.1-1mambaQGit is a git GUI viewer built on Qt/C++2024-04-19
x86_64qgit2.1-1mambaQGit is a git GUI viewer built on Qt/C++2024-04-19
i586qgit2.1-1mambaQGit is a git GUI viewer built on Qt/C++2024-04-19
x86_64qgit-debug2.1-1mambaDebug information for package qgit2024-04-19
i586qgit-debug2.1-1mambaDebug information for package qgit2024-04-19
srcqjackctl1.0.3-1mambaA simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon2024-10-30
x86_64qjackctl1.0.3-1mambaA simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon2024-10-30
aarch64qjackctl1.0.3-1mambaA simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon2024-10-30
i586qjackctl1.0.3-1mambaA simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon2024-10-30
x86_64qjackctl-debug1.0.3-1mambaDebug information for package qjackctl2024-10-30
aarch64qjackctl-debug1.0.3-1mambaDebug information for package qjackctl2024-10-30
i586qjackctl-debug1.0.3-1mambaDebug information for package qjackctl2024-10-30
srcqmapshack1.17.1-1mambaApplication to plan outdoor trips and visualize and archive all the GPS recordings2024-02-04
x86_64qmapshack1.17.1-1mambaApplication to plan outdoor trips and visualize and archive all the GPS recordings2024-02-04
i586qmapshack1.17.1-1mambaApplication to plan outdoor trips and visualize and archive all the GPS recordings2024-02-04
x86_64qmapshack-debug1.17.1-1mambaDebug information for package qmapshack2024-02-04
i586qmapshack-debug1.17.1-1mambaDebug information for package qmapshack2024-02-04
srcqmc20.243-2mambaA Qt based multi-platform GUI front end for several MAME, MESS and UME variants2023-06-11
x86_64qmc20.243-2mambaA Qt based multi-platform GUI front end for several MAME, MESS and UME variants2023-06-11
i586qmc20.243-2mambaA Qt based multi-platform GUI front end for several MAME, MESS and UME variants2023-06-11
x86_64qmc2-debug0.243-2mambaDebug information for package qmc22023-06-11
i586qmc2-debug0.243-2mambaDebug information for package qmc22023-06-11
srcqpdf11.9.1-1mambaA command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files2024-06-08
x86_64qpdf11.9.1-1mambaA command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files2024-06-08
aarch64qpdf11.9.1-1mambaA command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files2024-06-08
i586qpdf11.9.1-1mambaA command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files2024-06-08
x86_64qpdf-debug11.9.1-1mambaDebug information for package qpdf2024-06-08
aarch64qpdf-debug11.9.1-1mambaDebug information for package qpdf2024-06-08
i586qpdf-debug11.9.1-1mambaDebug information for package qpdf2024-06-08
srcqps2.10.0-1mambaQt Process Manager2024-11-09
x86_64qps2.10.0-1mambaQt Process Manager2024-11-09
aarch64qps2.10.0-1mambaQt Process Manager2024-11-09
i586qps2.10.0-1mambaQt Process Manager2024-11-09
x86_64qps-debug2.10.0-1mambaDebug information for package qps2024-11-09
aarch64qps-debug2.10.0-1mambaDebug information for package qps2024-11-09
i586qps-debug2.10.0-1mambaDebug information for package qps2024-11-09
srcqpwgraph0.8.0-1mambaPipeWire Graph Qt GUI Interface2024-11-15
x86_64qpwgraph0.8.0-1mambaPipeWire Graph Qt GUI Interface2024-11-15
aarch64qpwgraph0.8.0-1mambaPipeWire Graph Qt GUI Interface2024-11-15
i586qpwgraph0.8.0-1mambaPipeWire Graph Qt GUI Interface2024-11-15
x86_64qpwgraph-debug0.8.0-1mambaDebug information for package qpwgraph2024-11-15
aarch64qpwgraph-debug0.8.0-1mambaDebug information for package qpwgraph2024-11-15
i586qpwgraph-debug0.8.0-1mambaDebug information for package qpwgraph2024-11-15
srcqqc2-breeze-style6.2.3-1mambaA pure Qt Quick/Kirigami Qt Quick Controls style for KDE Plasma2024-11-06
x86_64qqc2-breeze-style6.2.3-1mambaA pure Qt Quick/Kirigami Qt Quick Controls style for KDE Plasma2024-11-06
aarch64qqc2-breeze-style6.2.3-1mambaA pure Qt Quick/Kirigami Qt Quick Controls style for KDE Plasma2024-11-06
i586qqc2-breeze-style6.2.3-1mambaA pure Qt Quick/Kirigami Qt Quick Controls style for KDE Plasma2024-11-06
x86_64qqc2-breeze-style-debug6.2.3-1mambaDebug information for package qqc2-breeze-style2024-11-06
aarch64qqc2-breeze-style-debug6.2.3-1mambaDebug information for package qqc2-breeze-style2024-11-06
i586qqc2-breeze-style-debug6.2.3-1mambaDebug information for package qqc2-breeze-style2024-11-06
srcqqc2-desktop-style5.115.0-1mambaKDE Frameworks 5 QtQuickControls 2 style that uses QWidget's QStyle for painting2024-02-13
x86_64qqc2-desktop-style-debug5.115.0-1mambaDebug information for package qqc2-desktop-style2024-02-12
aarch64qqc2-desktop-style-debug5.115.0-1mambaDebug information for package qqc2-desktop-style2024-02-13
i586qqc2-desktop-style-debug5.115.0-1mambaDebug information for package qqc2-desktop-style2024-02-12
srcqrcodegen1.8.0-1mambaHigh-quality QR Code generator library in Java, TypeScript/JavaScript, Python, C++, C, Rust2022-04-17
srcqscintilla2.14.1-1mambaA port to Qt of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor control2023-06-18
x86_64qscintilla2.14.1-1mambaA port to Qt of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor control2023-06-18
aarch64qscintilla2.14.1-1mambaA port to Qt of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor control2023-06-18
i586qscintilla2.14.1-1mambaA port to Qt of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor control2023-06-18
x86_64qscintilla-designer2.14.1-1mambaQScintilla designer plugin2023-06-18
i586qscintilla-designer2.14.1-1mambaQScintilla designer plugin2023-06-18
x86_64qscintilla-devel2.14.1-1mambaLibraries and headers for qscintilla2023-06-18
aarch64qscintilla-devel2.14.1-1mambaLibraries and headers for qscintilla2023-06-18
i586qscintilla-devel2.14.1-1mambaLibraries and headers for qscintilla2023-06-18
srcqsynth1.0.2-1mambaA fluidsynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt3 toolkit2024-10-04
x86_64qsynth1.0.2-1mambaA fluidsynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt3 toolkit2024-10-04
aarch64qsynth1.0.2-1mambaA fluidsynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt3 toolkit2024-10-04
i586qsynth1.0.2-1mambaA fluidsynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt3 toolkit2024-10-04
x86_64qsynth-debug1.0.2-1mambaDebug information for package qsynth2024-10-04
aarch64qsynth-debug1.0.2-1mambaDebug information for package qsynth2024-10-04
i586qsynth-debug1.0.2-1mambaDebug information for package qsynth2024-10-04
srcqt-avif-image-plugin0.8.6-1mambaQt plug-in to allow Qt and KDE based applications to read/write AVIF images2024-09-09
42573 result(s) found - Showing page 372 of 426 [ < 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 > ]
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