Download Speed

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  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by mambalamba.
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    • #28994

      10 Hours showing from my location to download an ISO???
      It will likely be corrupt anyway at this speed.
      Are there no torrents?

    • #28995

      Hi, from our server side networking seems good but there may be issues due to international routing.

      You may want to try changing the download URL from to hetzner3.openmambaorg, e.g. the current livecd URL would be:

      The default download is from Italy, the alternative URL is from Germany, so there might be differences in download speed from your location.

    • #28996

      Thanks for the suggestion but it made no difference.

      I did find a torrent for ‘openmamba-diskimg-livecd-en-snapshot-20210630.x86_64.img’ which I installed but there were 367 updates and after that despite several attempts it would not reboot to a desktop, giving different errors each time.

    • #28997

      I’m sorry it didn’t work.
      When I can get the necessary information I always try to find a solution.
      The distribution is undergoing the migration to the flat /usr filesystem in rolling updates modes and the issue here (specially when using a former livecd version) could be that a /lib/systemd symlink is missing, this in short can be fixed by logging into a console (CTRL-ALT-F2) and entering the command:
      sudo ln -s ../usr/lib/systemd /lib/systemd.

    • #28998

      I guess in any case I might have more luck with the most recently published image. I’ll leave the link for this open on a spare machine for the required number of hours and just hope the file is intact once it gets here.

      Out of interest the only two programs I can’t live without for work are Google Chrome and the Slack desktop. Hopefully both these can be installed on openmamba?

    • #29002

      According to another report received today I’m not sure that the lastest ISOs will fix the problem and I will do better checks for this problem in the next days.

      openmamba provides a standard system layout and libraries so installing third-party distributed applications like Chrome and Slack should not be a problem. Should you have any dubt or problem you can of course open a specific topic in this forum.

    • #29004

      I finally managed to download a copy from your direct link and install that. There were 389 updates and this time it rebooted to a desktop. Thereafter though my wifi had disappeared (no connections available) so I connected using a cable and searched for anything network related via the package manager and also installed LibreOffice. This took almost another hour with various packages being cycled in the package manager which is hardly intuitive to follow. The result was still no wifi despite trying a couple of dongles in addition to the built in card. Google Chrome I installed OK from a downloaded .rpm package but trying Slack using the same method threw up a package conflict. I keep a copy of a terminal command to install Slack ignoring dependencies but when I tried to open it I discovered LibreOffice does not launch. From terminal it gave a ‘depreciated’ error with no ‘Mokka’ theme available. Unfortunately at this point I gave up.

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