Who we are

openmamba was created and is maintained by Silvan Calarco who through mambaSoft sponsorizes the project by offering and maintaining, among other things, the main infrastructures needed.


People who helped to improve the openmamba project:
F. Bedendo Bordon, M. Bellezza, E. ‘ercolinux’ Carpanetto, Clash, S. Cotta Ramusino, A. Esposito, A. Fontana, T. Ferro, N. Garcia, F. Giani, F. Gottero, Gil, A. Gleede, T. Khan, C. Iurissevich, D. Madrisan, A. Martina, R. Moja, T. Pratellesi

You may donate via PayPal by clicking the button or scanning the QR-code below:





There is also a wishlist of products that will be used to maintain and improve openmamba.

People who supported openmamba with a donation:
C. Bergoglio, M. Bertolini, E. Bottero, D. Brugnolaro, E. Guidolin, D. Madrisan, R. Margelli, A. Pelorosso, A. Perona, G. Plazzotta, A. Tavella

Thanks to TopIX for housing the frontend which provides network services to the users.


Special thanks to Karibu for making available a mirror of the openmamba repositories located in Singapore.