Server ISOs

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    • #29294

      I looked through the available ISOs, I don’t understand: are there any ISOs without GUI for servers?

    • #29295

      There is not an ISO provided without desktop mostly because it would need an installer from terminal. For a headless installation the available options are rootfs-base archive and the docker image.

      • #29298

        I don’t think we understand each other here: are you suggesting that there must be a desktop to use a graphical install? It is possible to graphical install with calamares a system without desktop.

        Typically, I rent a VPS, connect with VNC and install a minimal system graphically, then ssh only.

        • #29299

          Calamares installs by cloning the squasfs which runs the ISO image. Either it is not possible or I don’t know how do what you say with Calamares plus it has not been a priority for openmamba so far.

        • #29300

          Yes, I think you’re right. I was mistaken about Calamares, I apologize.

          I would like to use openmamba as a server OS, but I need a more minimal install solution due to my current provider’s limitations on ISO size and storage, and lack of graphical acceleration.

        • #29303

          For anybody which might be interested I explain in short (for advanced users and untested) how to start to to manually install a minimal distribution of openmamba:

          1. boot any Linux OS with networking
          2. use i.e. curl or wget to download the openmamba rootfs-base archive from the download page
          3. initialize the destination storage by creating the partition table (GPT or MSDOS) and a FAT32 EFI boot partition (2-300 MBytes) and an ext4 partition
          4. format the partitions respectively with the mkfs.vfat and mkfs.ext4
          5. mount on some mount point the O.S. partition (ext4) and bind mount the boot partition at /boot, aso bind mount /dev,/sys,/proc,/run from the running O.S.
          6. run chroot to get an openmamba chroot shell in the O.S. partition
          7. install the kernel (dnf install kernel-mamba-x86_64)
          8. install grub packages (dnf install grub grub-efi-x86_64)
          9. set a login password for the root user with passwd command
          10. exit from chroot, unmount and try rebooting
          11. you expected that probably something might not work, this can be discussed and fixed
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