This page describes the discipline of personal data of users that register to one or more services at and Personal data maintenance is subject to the italian laws on privacy (art. 13 del d.l. n. 196/2003), Rules in the field of personal data protection and the UE Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”).
The acceptance of the service furnishing condition is a necessary requisite for the registration, please read carefully the present document before completing the registration.
Personal data
- in order to get access to openmamba services you must create an account. To accomplish this, personal data information are required to allow the maintainer to identify and contact the user;
- the personal data maintainer, controller and processor is Silvan Calarco for mambaSoft di Calarco Silvan which has its legal location in Torino, Italy;
- user personal data will be elaborated and kept in one or more databases located on computers that are property of mambaSoft di Calarco Silvan or on other computers used with the aim of providing the requested services at and
- mambaSoft can use personal data for control, research and analysis in order to handle and improve the offered services;
- mambaSoft won’t give personal data information to third party entities with pourposes not aimed at furnishing services of and, unless this is imposed by laws or is strictly necessary to accomplish the requests.
Restrictions and netiquette
It’s forbidden:
- uploading or publishing material that is illegal or protected by copyright;
- giving false personal data is forbidden;
- have a behaviour that is not conform with the collaborating spirit of the community, damaging or limiting the accessibility to openmamba services;
mambaSoft reserves the right to suspend the account for the user and remove the material that it judges as inappropriate because it violates one of the clauses in this document.
- the subject whom the data refers to get, among the others, the right from the italian art. 7 of the privacy Code and UE Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) to be informed about the presence of the data and to have it exported and sent to the subject, cancelled, modified or updated upon request to info <at>
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