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urw-base35-fonts: URW)++ base 35 font set

35 type 1 PostScript fonts donated and licenced under the GPL by URW.
You can get this package together with a custom made fonts.dir and fonts.scale file (which is the same as the fonts.dir file) from here.
The fonts.dir was specially made to match the original Adobe names of the fonts, e.g. Times, Helvetica etc.
Versione: 20200910-2mamba
Licenza:Affero GNU Public License, GPL
Dimensione:11.81 MB
URL di origine:https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/urw-base35-fonts
Data di compilazione:2021-12-23 12:06:08
Pacchetti binari e dipendenze
RPM creatiurw-base35-fonts
Dipendenze di compilazione
Cronologia delle modifiche
2021-12-23silvan20200910-2mamba- provide/obsolete ghostscript-fonts
2021-12-08silvan20200910-1mamba- update to 20200910
2021-02-23autodist2017.07.27-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2013-07-15autodist1.0-6mamba- automatic rebuild by autodist
2009-06-18silvan1.0-5mamba- specfile updated and rebuilt
2005-09-02Massimo Pintore 1.0-4qilnx- rebuilt with correct postun script
2005-02-04silvan1.0-3qilnx- rebuilt as a noarch package
2003-11-02davide1.0-2qilnx- spec file updates
2003-07-18silvan1.0-1qilnx- first build for urw-fonts