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tlp: Command line advanced power management

TLP brings you the benefits of advanced power management for Linux without the need to understand every technical detail. TLP comes with a default configuration already optimized for battery life, so you may just install and forget it. Nevertheless TLP is highly customizable to fulfil your specific requirements.
Versione: 1.7.0-1mamba
Dimensione:122,62 kB
URL di origine:https://linrunner.de/tlp/
Data di compilazione:2024-09-30 19:52:45
Pacchetti binari e dipendenze
RPM creatitlp
Dipendenze di compilazioneperl-devel [1]
perl-devel [1]
Cronologia delle modifiche
2024-09-30Automatic Build System 1.7.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-09-19autodist1.6.1-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-08-26autodist1.6.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-01-29silvan1.5.0-1mamba- update to 1.5.0
2020-02-08autodist1.3.1-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2020-02-07autodist1.3.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2019-05-27autodist1.2.2-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2019-03-25autodist1.2.1-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2018-02-12autodist1.1-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2017-08-14autodist1.0-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist