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postplug-xorg: Xorg configuration plugin for postplug

Postplug is the pluggable boot-time configuration tool.
The main task of this tool is to configure the system for the hardware that as been detected by hotplug, for the X server and other settings such as timezone ecc.
Postplug is run after system installation to complete the configuration and is run on every boot in order to check that everything is still well configured.

This package provides an Xorg configuration plugin for postplug.
Versione: 1.5.2-1mamba
Dimensione:34,79 kB
URL di origine:https://src.openmamba.org/openmamba/postplug
RPM sorgente:postplug
CollegatiFornisceRende obsoletiRichiedeRaccomanda
postplug-xorg = 0:1.5.2-1mamba
postplug-xorg(aarch-64) = 0:1.5.2-1mamba
/bin/bash [1]
libGL-Mesa-dri >= 0:10.3.4-2mamba [1]
postplug = 0:1.5.2-1mamba [1]
xorg-ext-libglx >= 0:1.15.2-6mamba [1]
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