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perl-XML-Parser: XML::Parser - A perl module for parsing XML documents

This module provides ways to parse XML documents.
It is built on top of XML::Parser::Expat, which is a lower level interface to James Clark's expat library.
Each call to one of the parsing methods creates a new instance of XML::Parser::Expat which is then used to parse the document.
Expat options may be provided when the XML::Parser object is created.
These options are then passed on to the Expat object on each parse call.
They can also be given as extra arguments to the parse methods, in which case they override options given at XML::Parser creation time.

The behavior of the parser is controlled either by "Style" and/or "Handlers" options, or by "setHandlers" method.
These all provide mechanisms for XML::Parser to set the handlers needed by XML::Parser::Expat.
If neither Style nor Handlers are specified, then parsing just checks the document for being well-formed.

When underlying handlers get called, they receive as their first parameter the Expat object, not the Parser object.
Versione: 2.47-1mamba
Licenza:GPL, Artistic
Dimensione:287,80 kB
URL di origine:https://www.cpan.org/
Data di compilazione:2023-12-29 10:18:28
Pacchetti binari e dipendenze
RPM creatiperl-XML-Parser
Dipendenze di compilazioneglibc-devel [1]
libexpat-devel [1]
libperl [1]
perl[>=2:5.36.0] [1]
perl-devel [1]
glibc-devel [1]
libexpat-devel [1]
libperl [1]
perl[>=2:5.36.0] [1]
perl-devel [1]
glibc-devel [1]
libexpat-devel [1]
libperl [1]
perl[>=2:5.36.0] [1]
perl-devel [1]
Cronologia delle modifiche
2023-12-29autodist2.47-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2023-04-16Sdk Build System 2.46-2mamba- rebuilt with perl 5.36.0
2020-01-22autodist2.46-1mamba- automatic update by autodist
2016-11-09silvan2.44_01-2mamba- rebuilt with perl 5.24
2016-08-29autodist2.44_01-1mamba- automatic update by autodist
2015-02-01autodist2.44-1mamba- automatic update by autodist
2014-12-29autodist2.43-1mamba- automatic update by autodist
2013-07-19autodist2.42_01-1mamba- automatic update by autodist
2013-02-08autodist2.41-1mamba- update to 2.41
2012-11-03silvan2.36-4mamba- perl 5.16 mass rebuild