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perl-UNIVERSAL-require: UNIVERSAL::require - require() modules from a variable

If you've ever had to do this...

eval "require $module";

to get around the bareword caveats on require(), this module is for you. It creates a universal require() class method that will work with every Perl module and its secure. So instead of doing some arcane eval() work, you can do this:


It doesn't save you much typing, but it'll make alot more sense to someone who's not a ninth level Perl acolyte
Versione: 0.19-1mamba
Licenza:GPL, Artistic
Dimensione:15,14 kB
URL di origine:https://www.cpan.org
Data di compilazione:2021-03-29 04:55:09
Pacchetti binari e dipendenze
RPM creatiperl-UNIVERSAL-require
Dipendenze di compilazioneperl-devel[>=0:5.24.0] [1]
perl-devel[>=0:5.24.0] [1]
perl-devel[>=0:5.24.0] [1]
Cronologia delle modifiche
2021-03-29autodist0.19-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2021-02-24autodist0.18-1mamba- automatic version update by autodist
2012-11-13silvan0.13-2mamba- perl 5.16 mass rebuild
2009-04-03silvan0.13-1mamba- automatic update by autodist
2008-11-21silvan0.11-3mamba- remove conflicting provide for perl(UNIVERSAL)
2008-11-05silvan0.11-2mamba- automatic rebuild by autodist
2008-10-20gil0.11-1mamba- package created by autospec