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kf6-kapidox: KDE Frameworks 6 for building API documentation

This framework contains scripts and data for building API documentation (dox) in a standard format and style.
The Doxygen tool is used to do the actual documentation extraction and formatting, but this framework provides a wrapper script to make generating the documentation more convenient (including reading settings from the target framework or other module) and a standard template for the generated documentation.
Versione: 6.9.0-1mamba
Dimensione:140,50 kB
URL di origine:https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kapidox
RPM sorgente:kf6-kapidox
CollegatiFornisceRende obsoletiRichiedeRaccomanda
kf6-kapidox = 0:6.9.0-1mamba
kf6-kapidox(x86-32) = 0:6.9.0-1mamba
python3.11dist(kapidox) = 0:6.9
python3dist(kapidox) = 0:6.9
kapidox < 0:5.248.0
/bin/sh [1] [2]
/usr/bin/python3 [1]
python(abi) = 0:3.11 [1] [2]
python3.11dist(doxypypy) [1]
python3.11dist(doxyqml) [1]
python3.11dist(jinja2) [1]
python3.11dist(pyyaml) [1]
python3.11dist(requests) [1]
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