Architettura | Nome | Versione | Descrizione | Ultimo aggiornamento |
x86_64 | python-sip4-py3 | 4.19.25-2mamba | Python extension module generator for C and C++ libraries | 2023-09-27 |
aarch64 | python-sip4-py3 | 4.19.25-2mamba | Python extension module generator for C and C++ libraries | 2023-09-28 |
i586 | python-sip4-py3 | 4.19.25-2mamba | Python extension module generator for C and C++ libraries | 2023-09-27 |
x86_64 | python-sip4-py310 | 4.19.25-2mamba | Python extension module generator for C and C++ libraries | 2023-09-27 |
aarch64 | python-sip4-py310 | 4.19.25-2mamba | Python extension module generator for C and C++ libraries | 2023-09-28 |
i586 | python-sip4-py310 | 4.19.25-2mamba | Python extension module generator for C and C++ libraries | 2023-09-27 |
src | python-six | 1.17.0-1mamba | Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities | 2024-12-05 |
x86_64 | python-six-py3 | 1.17.0-1mamba | Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities | 2024-12-05 |
aarch64 | python-six-py3 | 1.17.0-1mamba | Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities | 2024-12-05 |
i586 | python-six-py3 | 1.17.0-1mamba | Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities | 2024-12-05 |
src | python-slugify | 8.0.4-1mamba | A generic slugifier utility, inspired by Django’s slugify template filter | 2024-02-11 |
x86_64 | python-slugify-py3 | 8.0.4-1mamba | A generic slugifier utility, inspired by Django’s slugify template filter | 2024-02-11 |
aarch64 | python-slugify-py3 | 8.0.4-1mamba | A generic slugifier utility, inspired by Django’s slugify template filter | 2024-02-11 |
i586 | python-slugify-py3 | 8.0.4-1mamba | A generic slugifier utility, inspired by Django’s slugify template filter | 2024-02-11 |
x86_64 | python-slugify-py310 | 8.0.4-1mamba | A generic slugifier utility, inspired by Django’s slugify template filter | 2024-02-11 |
aarch64 | python-slugify-py310 | 8.0.4-1mamba | A generic slugifier utility, inspired by Django’s slugify template filter | 2024-02-11 |
i586 | python-slugify-py310 | 8.0.4-1mamba | A generic slugifier utility, inspired by Django’s slugify template filter | 2024-02-11 |
src | python-smartypants | 2.0.1-2mamba | A Python fork of SmartyPants | 2023-09-29 |
x86_64 | python-smartypants-py3 | 2.0.1-2mamba | A Python fork of SmartyPants | 2023-09-29 |
aarch64 | python-smartypants-py3 | 2.0.1-2mamba | A Python fork of SmartyPants | 2023-10-01 |
i586 | python-smartypants-py3 | 2.0.1-2mamba | A Python fork of SmartyPants | 2023-09-29 |
x86_64 | python-smartypants-py310 | 2.0.1-2mamba | A Python fork of SmartyPants | 2023-09-29 |
aarch64 | python-smartypants-py310 | 2.0.1-2mamba | A Python fork of SmartyPants | 2023-10-01 |
i586 | python-smartypants-py310 | 2.0.1-2mamba | A Python fork of SmartyPants | 2023-09-29 |
src | python-smbc | | Python bindings for the libsmbclient API from Samba | 2023-09-26 |
x86_64 | python-smbc-py3 | | Python bindings for the libsmbclient API from Samba | 2023-09-26 |
i586 | python-smbc-py3 | | Python bindings for the libsmbclient API from Samba | 2023-09-27 |
x86_64 | python-smbc-py310 | | Python bindings for the libsmbclient API from Samba | 2023-09-26 |
i586 | python-smbc-py310 | | Python bindings for the libsmbclient API from Samba | 2023-09-27 |
src | python-smbpasswd | 1.0.2-2mamba | SMB Password Hash Generator - suitable for use with Samba | 2023-09-26 |
x86_64 | python-smbpasswd-py3 | 1.0.2-2mamba | SMB Password Hash Generator - suitable for use with Samba | 2023-09-26 |
i586 | python-smbpasswd-py3 | 1.0.2-2mamba | SMB Password Hash Generator - suitable for use with Samba | 2023-09-27 |
x86_64 | python-smbpasswd-py310 | 1.0.2-2mamba | SMB Password Hash Generator - suitable for use with Samba | 2023-09-26 |
i586 | python-smbpasswd-py310 | 1.0.2-2mamba | SMB Password Hash Generator - suitable for use with Samba | 2023-09-27 |
src | python-smmap | 6.0.0-1mamba | A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager | 2024-02-14 |
x86_64 | python-smmap-py3 | 6.0.0-1mamba | A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager | 2024-02-14 |
aarch64 | python-smmap-py3 | 6.0.0-1mamba | A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager | 2024-02-14 |
i586 | python-smmap-py3 | 6.0.0-1mamba | A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager | 2024-02-14 |
src | python-sniffio | 1.3.1-1mamba | Sniff out which async library your code is running under | 2024-05-09 |
x86_64 | python-sniffio-py3 | 1.3.1-1mamba | Sniff out which async library your code is running under | 2024-05-09 |
i586 | python-sniffio-py3 | 1.3.1-1mamba | Sniff out which async library your code is running under | 2024-05-10 |
src | python-snowballstemmer | 2.2.0-3mamba | Snowball stemming library collection for Python | 2023-09-26 |
x86_64 | python-snowballstemmer-py3 | 2.2.0-3mamba | Snowball stemming library collection for Python | 2023-09-26 |
aarch64 | python-snowballstemmer-py3 | 2.2.0-3mamba | Snowball stemming library collection for Python | 2023-09-28 |
i586 | python-snowballstemmer-py3 | 2.2.0-3mamba | Snowball stemming library collection for Python | 2023-09-27 |
x86_64 | python-snowballstemmer-py310 | 2.2.0-3mamba | Snowball stemming library collection for Python | 2023-09-26 |
aarch64 | python-snowballstemmer-py310 | 2.2.0-3mamba | Snowball stemming library collection for Python | 2023-09-28 |
i586 | python-snowballstemmer-py310 | 2.2.0-3mamba | Snowball stemming library collection for Python | 2023-09-27 |
src | python-sortedcontainers | 2.4.0-3mamba | A sorted collections library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extension | 2023-09-26 |
x86_64 | python-sortedcontainers-py3 | 2.4.0-3mamba | A sorted collections library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extension | 2023-09-26 |
aarch64 | python-sortedcontainers-py3 | 2.4.0-3mamba | A sorted collections library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extension | 2023-09-28 |
i586 | python-sortedcontainers-py3 | 2.4.0-3mamba | A sorted collections library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extension | 2023-09-27 |
x86_64 | python-sortedcontainers-py310 | 2.4.0-3mamba | A sorted collections library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extension | 2023-09-26 |
aarch64 | python-sortedcontainers-py310 | 2.4.0-3mamba | A sorted collections library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extension | 2023-09-28 |
i586 | python-sortedcontainers-py310 | 2.4.0-3mamba | A sorted collections library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extension | 2023-09-27 |
src | python-soupsieve | 2.6-1mamba | A CSS selector library designed to be used with Beautiful Soup 4 | 2024-08-14 |
x86_64 | python-soupsieve-py3 | 2.6-1mamba | A CSS selector library designed to be used with Beautiful Soup 4 | 2024-08-14 |
aarch64 | python-soupsieve-py3 | 2.6-1mamba | A CSS selector library designed to be used with Beautiful Soup 4 | 2024-08-14 |
i586 | python-soupsieve-py3 | 2.6-1mamba | A CSS selector library designed to be used with Beautiful Soup 4 | 2024-08-14 |
src | python-specfile | 0.33.0-1mamba | A library for parsing and manipulating RPM spec files | 2024-12-14 |
x86_64 | python-specfile-py3 | 0.33.0-1mamba | A library for parsing and manipulating RPM spec files | 2024-12-14 |
x86_64 | python-speechd | 0.11.5-3mamba | Python wrapper for speech-dispatcher | 2024-01-14 |
aarch64 | python-speechd | 0.11.5-3mamba | Python wrapper for speech-dispatcher | 2024-01-14 |
i586 | python-speechd | 0.11.5-3mamba | Python wrapper for speech-dispatcher | 2024-01-14 |
src | python-speedtest-cli | 2.1.3-2mamba | Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using | 2024-04-08 |
x86_64 | python-speedtest-cli-py3 | 2.1.3-2mamba | Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using | 2024-04-08 |
aarch64 | python-speedtest-cli-py3 | 2.1.3-2mamba | Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using | 2024-04-08 |
i586 | python-speedtest-cli-py3 | 2.1.3-2mamba | Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using | 2024-04-08 |
src | python-sphinx | 8.1.3-1mamba | Python documentation generator | 2024-10-14 |
x86_64 | python-sphinx-py3 | 8.1.3-1mamba | Python documentation generator | 2024-10-14 |
aarch64 | python-sphinx-py3 | 8.1.3-1mamba | Python documentation generator | 2024-10-14 |
i586 | python-sphinx-py3 | 8.1.3-1mamba | Python documentation generator | 2024-10-14 |
src | python-sphinx_lv2_theme | 1.4.2-1mamba | A minimal static theme for Sphinx | 2024-03-14 |
x86_64 | python-sphinx_lv2_theme-py3 | 1.4.2-1mamba | A minimal static theme for Sphinx | 2024-03-14 |
aarch64 | python-sphinx_lv2_theme-py3 | 1.4.2-1mamba | A minimal static theme for Sphinx | 2024-03-15 |
i586 | python-sphinx_lv2_theme-py3 | 1.4.2-1mamba | A minimal static theme for Sphinx | 2024-03-15 |
src | python-sphinx_rtd_theme | 3.0.2-1mamba | Read the Docs Sphinx Theme | 2024-11-13 |
x86_64 | python-sphinx_rtd_theme-py3 | 3.0.2-1mamba | Read the Docs Sphinx Theme | 2024-11-13 |
aarch64 | python-sphinx_rtd_theme-py3 | 3.0.2-1mamba | Read the Docs Sphinx Theme | 2024-11-13 |
i586 | python-sphinx_rtd_theme-py3 | 3.0.2-1mamba | Read the Docs Sphinx Theme | 2024-11-13 |
src | python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp | 2.0.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books | 2024-07-31 |
x86_64 | python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp-py3 | 2.0.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books | 2024-07-31 |
aarch64 | python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp-py3 | 2.0.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books | 2024-07-31 |
i586 | python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp-py3 | 2.0.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books | 2024-07-31 |
src | python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp | 2.0.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp_ document | 2024-07-31 |
x86_64 | python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp-py3 | 2.0.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp_ document | 2024-07-31 |
aarch64 | python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp-py3 | 2.0.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp_ document | 2024-07-31 |
i586 | python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp-py3 | 2.0.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp_ document | 2024-07-31 |
src | python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp | 2.1.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which renders HTML help files | 2024-07-31 |
x86_64 | python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-py3 | 2.1.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which renders HTML help files | 2024-07-31 |
aarch64 | python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-py3 | 2.1.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which renders HTML help files | 2024-07-31 |
i586 | python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-py3 | 2.1.0-1mamba | A sphinx extension which renders HTML help files | 2024-07-31 |
src | python-sphinxcontrib-jquery | 4.1-3mamba | Extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases | 2024-03-01 |
x86_64 | python-sphinxcontrib-jquery-py3 | 4.1-3mamba | Extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases | 2024-03-01 |
aarch64 | python-sphinxcontrib-jquery-py3 | 4.1-3mamba | Extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases | 2024-03-01 |
i586 | python-sphinxcontrib-jquery-py3 | 4.1-3mamba | Extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases | 2024-03-01 |
src | python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath | 1.0.1-5mamba | A sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript | 2023-09-26 |
x86_64 | python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath-py3 | 1.0.1-5mamba | A sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript | 2023-09-26 |
aarch64 | python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath-py3 | 1.0.1-5mamba | A sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript | 2023-09-28 |
i586 | python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath-py3 | 1.0.1-5mamba | A sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript | 2023-09-27 |
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